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Hanging your new product

Hanging a hammock from two trees just sounds so darn romantic, but actually doing so can often prove tricky - not every yard has two sturdy trees the right distance apart. The space between trees needs to equal the total length of your hammock, plus 1 foot. So for a 13-foot hammock, the trees would need to be at least 14 feet apart, and so on.

Another option is to hang your hammock between a tree and a single post, or between two posts. In either case, the same spacing rules apply as when hanging a hammock between two trees.

For posts, be sure you use treated wood or some other material that will resist rotting. Posts should be 6 inches by 6 inches in diameter, set 2-3 feet or deeper into the ground. If you know your hammock will be getting a lot of use, it's not a bad idea to add quick-dry cement to the bottom half of the hole around your post. Follow package directions for mixing the cement.

If your trees or posts are correctly spaced, then the hooks for hanging your hammock should be screwed in about 4½ feet up from the ground. To install the hooks, begin by creating starter holes using either a drill or a nail that's 3/16 of an inch or smaller. Once you've gotten a hook started in your post or tree, slide a durable screwdriver through the hook's eye to give yourself more leverage for tightening. Hooks need to be screwed in all the way up to the eye.

When installed correctly, our hammocks will support up to 450 pounds.

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Overall Care

A shady spot is best for hanging your hammock. The less direct sunlight, the longer the life of both the rope and the varnish - not to mention the less sunburn you'll experience when you nod off in your hammock at midday! During winter months and other lengthy stretches when you're not using the hammock, store it in a dry place away from where mice or bugs can get to it. Periodically check the metal chains and hammock hooks for wear and possible rust. The hanging hardware bears the brunt of the stress put on a hammock, so replace any parts that no longer seem sturdy.

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Caring for the rope

It's surprisingly easy! Wash the rope using warm, soapy water and a soft-bristled scrub brush; a mild liquid detergent will do the trick nicely. Spread the hammock on a deck or concrete surface and soak it thoroughly with a garden hose, then pour on some soapy water and scrub away! Be sure to rinse everything thoroughly before allowing the hammock to dry. If the rope is cotton, it may shrink a little in drying, but will stretch back out with use.

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Caring for the wood

Over time the finish will start to dull and wear off from normal outdoor weathering. To ensure maximum life from your hammock, refinish the wood once you notice this happening. Taking the hammock apart is not recommended; leave everything tied together and just work carefully around the rope.

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Cleaning, Maintenance and Repairs;

White polyester rope and DURACORD® rope hammocks

We take genuine pride in the craftsmanship that goes into our hammocks and other products. However, should the rope be damaged due to, for instance, an overly frisky dog insisting on getting into the hammock with you or some manic squirrel deciding to polish its teeth by gnawing through your spreader bars, then we offer repair kit to be purchased by calling us at (252) 317-1955.

Under normal use, your Hatteras Hammocks should last you many years - and hopefully the memories it will create will last you a lifetime! We hope you enjoy your new hammock to the fullest, with our sincere thanks for trusting us to help meet your relaxation needs.

Place your hammock in a kiddie wading pool or bathtub, soaking the rope thoroughly. Try to keep the wooden spreader bars and O-rings out of the water as much as possible; you may even want to use a plastic bucket or other container to prop up these parts. Add some OxiClean to the water, though a mild liquid detergent such as Wisk will also work; whichever you choose, follow the instructions on the cleaner container for amounts. Let the rope soak in the soapy solution for about an hour. To begin cleaning, take a handful of rope in each hand and rub the pieces together; use a soft-bristled scrub brush to work on any stains. Once you've cleaned all of the rope in this way, rinse the whole hammock using a garden hose. Finally, let the hammock air-dry on a flat surface so that the rope doesn't stretch while drying.

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Wood and wooden furniture

Over time the finish will weather and start to wear off, and that's something to watch for, since protecting the wood's finish will lengthen the life of your hammock, chair or swing. We don't recommend taking our hammocks apart; instead, leave everything tied together and just work carefully around the rope. Sand the wood using 120-grit sandpaper. Note that some of the grey color close to the bolts will not come off. To refinish the wood, you can use any shade of polyurethane marine-grade varnish; we originally used high gloss, available at any hardware store. We applied 3 coats of varnish, but 2 coats should be sufficient. In between coats, lightly re-sand the wood pieces with 220-grit sand paper after the wood has air-dried for 24 hours. Refinishing is the perfect time to also replace the nuts, bolts, washers and screws, all readily available at your local hardware store.

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Cumaru Brazilian Teak Wood

Cumaru Brazilian Teak is known for its strength, natural resistance to decay, and beautiful color. To ensure your outdoor Cumaru furniture remains in top condition for years to come follow these steps:

  1. Routine Cleaning: Regularly clean your furniture to remove dust, pollen, and dirt with a soft bristle brush or cloth. For a more in depth cleaning, mix mild soap with warm water and use a soft-bristled brush or cloth to scrub furniture. Rinse with clean water to remove soap and allow it to air dry.

  2. Staining and Sealing: Cumaru will naturally develop a silvery-gray color over time when exposed to sunlight. This doesn't change the wood's durability. To preserve the wood's original rich tones, apply Sunwax, a high quality UV-blocking teak oil or another outdoor wood sealer every 6-12 months. Before applying, clean wood and allow it to completely dry. Over time, the Cumaru may develop a rough surface or small scratches, lightly sand the surface, as needed, with fine-grit sandpaper (150-220) following the direction of the wood grain to restore its smoothness. Apply the oil or sealer with a clean cloth allowing wood to fully absorb the product.

  3. Protecting Your Furniture: Cumaru is highly water-resistant, but standing water can cause staining or discoloration. Ensure proper drainage around the furniture and wipe off excess water after rain. During winter or lengthy stretches when you are not using your furniture, store it in a dry place away from harsh chemicals and from mice and bugs. Periodically check your ropes and hardware for wear and tear before each use.

By following these care tips, your Cumaru Brazilian Teak outdoor furniture will remain beautiful, weather-resistant, and durable for many years to come.

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Cypress Wood Stands


When placing your Cypress Wood Stand, a hard scape or at least 4 pavers should be placed under each of the 4 feet. If the stand is placed in a damp area (e.g. under a tree) it may start to show mold or mildew and eventually rot or split.


Our Cypress Wood Hammock Stands come pre-treated with Olympic Honey Gold stain. You should not re-stain the Cypress Wood Stand for at least 6 months after purchase. At the 12 month mark you should lightly sand the wood with 220-grit sandpaper and re-stain the wood with Boiled Linseed Oil or Olympic Honey Gold Stain, applying a second coat 48-72 hours after the first coat has been applied. Any other non-treat or non-boiled option is not recommended.

The following actions may lead to mold or mildew:

  • Using Linseed Oil that has not been treated or boiled.
  • Applying too much oil.
  • Applying the oil too soon.

Your Cypress Wood Stand will naturally lose color and turn a silver gray over time. We strongly recommend you do NOT add varnish, lacquer, or place a tarp on our Cypress Wood Stands, as this does not allow the natural wood to breathe.

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Metal Stands

Our metal stands can begin to rust after years of use, particularly where scratches have removed the finish or foreign particles have been stuck to the powder-coated surface for a long period of time.

Since our stands are powder-coated there's unfortunately no specific touch-up paint available but a rust-resistant paint, such as Rust-Oleum, can help touch up and further protect your stand.

For small blemishes, you should be able to match the stand's color pretty closely to a rust-resistant outdoor paint at your local hardware store.

To completely refinish the stand, lightly sand the metal poles and repaint with your choice of rust-resistant outdoor paint.

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Pillows and Swing Cushions

These items will need to be hand-washed and laid flat to dry. Do not put either item in your washer or dryer as this can result in the fabric fraying, pilling or ripping.

To hand-wash these items we recommend using warm water, mild soap and a soft brush to clean the fabric. You can then rinse it thoroughly and allow the item to air-dry on a flat surface before reusing.

If the fabric does however need heavier cleaning, we recommend using 303 Fabric Cleaner to help penetrate and remove any tough stains.

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Animal damage prevention

It’s the first warm day of the year. You finally drag yourself outdoors, grabbing your trusty hammock as you step out into the sun. Back in your favorite spot, you steal a few minutes of meditation on the ropes before life pulls you back inside. But the next time you’re able to make it to the backyard, you’re horrified to discover your hammock hanging oddly, no longer suspended by the same tightly woven rope it once was. The squirrels have had their way, and made off with your little slice of paradise.

What's the most practical thing to do?

Contact a nearby pest control company for the best localized advice on keeping squirrels out of your yard. They’ll know best how to deal with the critters around your location.

Always opt for humane forms of prevention whenever possible:

  1. Station a wind chime nearby. The sound could keep timid foragers from coming in the area around your hammock.
  2. If you’re hanging your hammock between two trees, consider purchasing a hammock stand and moving your hammock closer to your home.
  3. We’ve also found that hammocks made from DURACORD®, a synthetic polyester blend of rope, tend to be less appealing to rodents. While still as soft as cotton on the skin, the fibers are denser and far more difficult for rodents to chew through.
  4. Fabric Hammocks are another great option, because they offer fewer vulnerable ropes for critters to gnaw on.

Bottom line: The easiest way to critter-proof your hammock is simply to bring it inside when not in use. A little bit annoying, but far less than having to replace a squirrel-chewed hammock. Not to mention it’s just about the only way to prevent this.

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